Why I left Google Zurich

the Backstory

The question I often hear from different people and now I will try to answer it.

Probably for anybody not a secret, but still: how does Google? They recruit the best engineers pay them large enough (even for Switzerland) salary and create an amazing environment for work, free food, massage at the office, the phantasmagoric recreation area, childrens slide down directly into the dining room, etc. This is very cool, like to write journalists, but it doesn't matter.

Well, how many times will you walk down the hall on the hill and is it important? Free food has led to the fact that the majority of Googlers fat pounds five after a job, thus denying yourself the pleasure to go to lunch every day in a new restaurant.

What's more determines how good you feel at work, free food, massage, design zones, the rest or the work that you do? I'm sure that's really important what you do every day and how this activity brings joy. Google hires the best engineers and give most of them a simple routine work that does not correspond to any their education, no experience, no ambition. It is certainly reasonable, as even small improvements, multiplied by the number of users lead to a substantial income. Programmers, by the way, refer to this in different ways. A all happy. But I came to the conclusion that doing stupid work won't only for really big money that Google is not willing to pay. For someone, perhaps, the threshold of sensitivity to uninteresting work below. It's funny that I put it during a corporate training, “Search inside yourself.” Found that I want to go and do his thing :) I know at least five who left around the same time and in the same cause. Although, for the company, probably, it is good when not very happy employees leave to do their own start-UPS. And it is certainly good for the industry as a whole. The question is, how dissatisfied with.

Life goes on, and I want to live it doing fun, exciting things. We do offline maps MapsWithMe for iPhone and Android. The project, which we “rushing”, and that couldn't happen in Google. Because there own come on top of plans, timing and priorities, managers, and intrigue, etc.

I recently spoke at the Minsk Startup Weekend, and my colleague and companion Sergey was at this time in the hall and... - coded. When it was noticed leading, and asked in the microphone why he is not listening, he replied that he tries all the free time to devote to the project and work. The audience, consisting mainly of startups, just burst into applause. I think after this point the atmosphere in the room changed, and Sergey has infected the Startup Weekend his mood for the next two days.

I've also noticed that people who feel the drive of life, often little sleep. Working for Google, I slept for 9 hours and still went sleepy. Today we came the paid version for iPhone and although last week I had not slept more than five hours a night, I still jumped today after five hours of sleep and ran to look, how they're buying :)

I am sometimes asked, is it true that in Google so everything is cool? However, there is a very cool and unusual. The truth is that it is a big company with its bureaucracy? Also true. Does this not need to go to work? No, it doesn't. I think that Google is useful to go after University, working there for several years to learn and then leave to do their classroom projects.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru
