Inside Startup sauna

Many of you have heard about the Finnish business accelerator StartupSauna Our team of Taxi jet was selected from 200 teams in Russia and is now in Helsinki. I want to share my personal impressions of the program.


Teams work in the most famous in Helsinki co-working space Aalto Venture Garage, a 700 sq. m. this space is located two meeting rooms (indoor and outdoor), a large kitchen and cafeteria, numerous open and closed sections and even a meeting room in the sauna. By the way, a real sauna is also available. The Garage is decorated with taste (probably students of the faculty of Design is located next door tried).

But the most interesting and attractive here, though, is that you never know who you'll meet today in the Garage. It may be the Minister of economic development of Finland or, for example, "mighty Eagle" (Peter Vesterbacka) – marketing Director of Rovio (Angry Birds).

The startup routine.

In the first week we made sure that the day to develop it is very difficult. Therefore, all the tasks associated with it, it is better to leave for the evening or even night. This is due to the fact that the meeting with the coaches (mentors) and other activities occupy most of the daytime.

The main focus in the first week was made on the quality of the presentation of the startup (pitch). With us in the lecture was a three coach, each with its own special technique.

In addition to General coaching, can also be applied and individual meetings with experts. Like all pitcam also hindered at the time: communication is given exactly 15 minutes, after which you "kindly" throws the following command. Experts give specific advice to promote a start-up, answer questions, many of them are investors, have a direct bearing on venture funds of Finland have a lot of connections for the implementation of the project in Scandinavia.

At the end of each week the head coach of the sauna suit is so called KTSO (Kick the shit out of session). To summarize the results of the week, and all unfit put to the peas. To report make an unpredictable form, outputting commands to clean water.

In addition, in the premises of Aalto Venture Garage, where the team all the time there are various startup conference with more than 300 people, not always related to Startupzone. The garage reminds of a beehive, full of men in expensive suits.

Every week a garage visit of the VIPs. The first week came Zerply CEO Christofer Carstop He told the story about how his team, the first time under the scrutiny of a number of Silicon valley funds for the year have not received a penny. Its history, he dispelled the hopes of the commands on the quick receipt of seed financing at the end of the Startup Sauna and was advised to concentrate on internal resources.

“Run for funds is pointless, for a good startup investors themselves will send a car.”

As the main tool of interaction with them Christopher recommended website

In the second week we were visited by ex-MySQL CEO marten Mikos He talked about his uphill battle against Oracle and gave some tips to budding companies. Unfortunately, from overwork after working for 14 hours two days in a row I fell asleep in his class, so more about Martin can't tell.
This week we invited bill Payne, who is known as the legend of angel financing, USA.

This man of the old school, a lot of attention the business plans for the next five years. Talked about conducting pitch with the angels and gave useful templates. The meeting was held in the business center of the Union of Angels Finland “Finnvera”. After a General presentation, live pitch showed two teams from the sauna, one of which got a chance for a re-appointment. On Thursday, all the angels will fly at the BBQ “Angel wings” in the garage. Possible, in a relaxed atmosphere, with a lot of useful information.

Life beyond the Sauna.

The first problem — a very expensive meal. Pleased that once a week you can eat in the Garage on the so-called Startup BBQ.

Transport also leaves to chew better. To get from the hotel to the place of work need to pay 4.5 euros one way, so we bought bikes on the analog local eBay (, just a nifty thing. Another feature is the fact that a beer a day is available in the garage, so drink it all and in large quantities. But it does not get drunk.

Learn more about our "life" in the sauna you can read our blog at

Write in the comments what would you like to hear about the insides of the startup sauna.
Article based on information from


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