EnterpriseDB: we'll take "a piece of the pie" market DBMS from Oracle!

In late December, Oracle announced the drop of its shares by 9%. But to me this news did not seem amazing, because just a couple of days before I spoke with ed Bajana (Ed Boyajian), President and CEO of EnterpriseDB.

Judge for yourself company EnterpriseDB offers a similar DBMS, but the value of its products much lower than the Oracle. Now, when all strive to find more functional solutions for less money, Oracle is more difficult to convince customers to pay more for their software.

It is not difficult to understand the power of Oracle. On DBMS and other software from Oracle spent millions of dollars in this way, customers fall into the trap of "vendor lock-in" and switching to another, cheaper is becoming very costly.

Thanks to EnterpriseDB products, built on the basis of an open DBMS of PostgreSQL, it departments of companies can almost safely away from having to use Oracle for only 10% of what they were paying before.

Ed Bagan have worked extensively in Red Hat — the company earns on the provision of support for products open source. Since it in 2008, moved to EnterpriseDB, the company's customer base grew by 70% per year. According to him, in the middle of 2008, the company had 200 clients, and by December 2011 this figure had risen to 1200.

One reason for this rapid growth is that EnterpriseDB has reduced the cost of the transition for their products. How? EnterpriseDB added to your solution's functionality, allowing you to tailor PostgeSQL for applications developed under Oracle DBMS. In addition, EnterpriseDB tests and certifies products to ensure they work. And, like Red Hat, it offers excellent technical support.

Another reason for the rapid growth are pretty effective sales model EnterpriseDB. Instead of having to make dinners for CFOs and heads of it departments of large companies, they offer easy downloading and simple work with her. And the task of sales is to track online statistics downloads and to contact only those companies who have seen obvious interest in the EnterpriseDB products.

The database market is huge and is growing rapidly. About 20 out of $ 26 billion accounted for the relational database, which is growing at 10% per year. This is due to such things as business Analytics, cloud computing and devices with access to corporate data.

However, the database management market is controlled by few companies. In the hands of Oracle, about 50%, the share of IBM accounted for 21% and the same share to Microsoft. But companies like EnterpriseDB is only about 5%.

But it seems that the situation will change soon. The reason is the desire of corporate clients to reduce their costs – because the lion's share of money is spent just on the DBMS. Many it departments are ready to overcome the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt — fear, uncertainty, doubt), distributed sales agent, the Oracle and thinking about switching to an alternative solution.

In addition to attractive prices, EnterpiseDB offers its users an unmatched quality, excellent performance, scalability, reliability and security. And with the new Postgres Plus Cloud Database company is ready to enter the cloud computing market.

Adapting to the needs of the market, the company is changing itself and changing the parameters and characteristics of products. Ed Bagan expects that due to Postgres Plus Cloud Database EnterpriseDB's customer base will become even greater.

In EnterpriseDB do not want to discuss how much was invested in the company, but noted an interesting feature — the largest EnterpriseDB customers such as IBM, Red Hat, NTT and Korea Telecom, are both their investors. And IBM combines the roles of investor and competitor EnterpriseDB at the same time.

State EnterpriseDB employs 125 people in offices around the world, including USA, India, Japan, the Hague and London. The company wants to remain independent, as it will give her a huge advantage for growth in India and in Europe. But if the growth EnterprseDB will continue to make 70% a year, surely one of the investors/customers will buy it.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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