unadox.com hi insurers

Hello, dear abrowser!

In a hurry for PR and, of course, get a portion of advice and feedbacks from you, just launching the beta of our service. As the saying goes: fresh, not znamy Corporation and its search engine enough. Our service is dedicated to the management of insurance claims online (online claims management), as well as the accompanying documents.

Interested please under the cut...

About insurance in Europe and in the West. Problem

The insurance market is very different from Russian, and the CIS. Medical services, life insurance, auto, property, real estate, liability to third parties, and more. Including the annual Declaration of taxes, possible tax deductions – it's different here, and every penny counting. Such is the culture. For example, medical insurance is mandatory in most countries and can be about 10-15% of the monthly (!) family income.

Mere mortals, the users of these services have to clean up a bunch of bills to pay and papers, still come by regular mail (the good, works quickly and accurately), to pay, to send to insurance claiming.

Most store copies or originals of bills, and a couple of years accumulating a decent stack of documents, which can be when you need them (but often not) and clutter up a living space above mentioned is a mere mortal.

Persons who are not characterized by pedantry in the collection and storage of documents can lose their money, first by paying the bill from his own pocket, then forgetting to send it to your insurance company... If you remember – will have to apply for an extract copy, but can't remember – not that anyone will remind you.

Although, how sad is to lose the original invoice from the dentist for € 1000 and not get paid hundreds of euros in compensation. Our friend in this case, you will have to apply for statement copies and so on. Then he begins to firmly keep all documents that come in the mail.

And we won't even touch here the theme of the organization, filter and sort these documents, the usual not very ill a family of 3-4 people...

Another problem facing the user of insurance services and, of course, an honest tax-payer is a possible tax refund (or part of it). The fact that at a cost of more than a certain amount per year, a taxpayer is entitled to a tax deduction. But then the question arises – how to track all payments for the year (to run through all the archived papers-accounts) and make a decision about what to write in my tax return?

To solve these two and many other problems and had invented the online service unadox.

It is very important to get feedback from the audience Habra, which had a chance to live beyond the borders of the CIS, who are familiar with the problem firsthand and would rate our service as applied to his case.

Description of service

The use of the service should be kept to a minimum action from the user, and without that burdened affected by these problems routine. The principle idea is very simple. Today, the majority of users (willing to entrust their documents in the cloud) have a cell phone (even a smartphone) with support of mail and the camera, replacing the scanner. The user photographs the document (or several) and sends it to a special email address to our service. After receiving a letter from a registered user, we save the information from a received message, create a request (claim) that is only visible in the user account. On successful registration of the application, we inform them by email.
Naturally, a user can do exactly the same steps and from the screen of your PC, log in with your account.
Also available the following functionality:
  • cost Analysis and received compensation
  • the
  • Organizing and filtering the list of applications (claims)
  • the
  • edit the applications, their status and data on cost/payments, commented on applications

the life cycle of the application in detail
Created via e-mail or the web interface, the application starts to live his life. And you can say goodbye to the pile of papers. Send them as you usually do, to your insurance company and wait for payment. Meanwhile, begin to run 30 days (default and custom), after which, the system will remind the user that he has an open application. It should be noted that 30 days is the standard payment term accounts in Europe. Such a simple way, we remind the user that perhaps he should react to contact insurance company and find out why delayed payment: may be lacking documents or (gasp!) they were lost. In this case, all you need to do is to send again a copy of the document stored in the application. If payment has been received – to close the application and enter data about the obtained sum in order to use these data for decision-making about possible tax refunds at the end of the year.

Of course, our system is suitable for almost all types of insurance applications, not necessarily medical. Assume that it can also be useful for insurance brokers, the leading business of its customers.

At the moment the main user interface language is English, but in the near future we will connect the most popular European languages such as German, French and Italian, and then Spanish, Portuguese, etc.

I have been Reading "Rework" — and more

To conduct expensive marketing research on the subject of "what does the idea" money and time decidedly was not. Time hands on the book, repeatedly praised by haritalama: Re-Work from 37 signals, and raced...

Our lead developer recommended to use Django to implement service and program most of the business logic in Python. Our technical kitchen described below – expand if interested.

a little kitchen for those interested
  • management Tool project tasks – Trello. We use a model that is the basis of Extreme Programming to planning (and other methodologies): User Stories and Engineering Tasks.
  • the
  • code Management, wiki, bug tracking – bitbucket.org
  • the
  • Box.com became our "box" for documents.
  • the
  • Servers are running Ubuntu 12 LTS. Hosted in a private cloud, and the cloud Amazon AWS. To test the system free version EC2 was enough a little to pay extra for traffic snapshots.

In our team today, 3 people: the developer, tester and project Manager. Depending on the task, each of us is able to perform other functions. We engaged third-party artists and designers and are very happy that we have our beautiful logo and artwork (examples in article).

The development process cannot be considered neither XP nor Agile – we are too small to limit yourself to such a framework. However, we regularly organize intensive session (conference calls), where actively solve problems that require collaboration. Tasks are grouped in iterations that last for 1 month. After testing we shared close tasks, denoted by new and discuss existing problems and ways of their solution. These "Saturdays" help us to progress and coordinate our efforts for the next leap.
... this is our kitchen...

The functionality of the system will be continuously expanded, but the cost of the service will remain equal to the price of a bottle of Cola, an amount that everyone can afford.

You can follow us on our blog or subscribe to twitter, and if sign up now, while we are in public beta, will get the opportunity to use our service absolutely free for a year.

We will be glad deployed reasoned debate. This is the first attempt to write for habr, therefore do not judge strictly, and give good advice.

We also important the opinions of enthusiasts and experts in the field of security. Dear colleagues, if you find any problems — write to the PM. We will be very grateful, ready to cooperate.

N. B. While preparing this article, it turned out that the insurance "forgot" to compensate for author payments more than one month ago.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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