Review of sandbox from 23 to 29 March 2013

Last week we looked into many articles and it's hard to believe that people can write about such different topics and not always compact. This review we have tried to do do a review with a cons, with recommendations. Please forgive us for a fair share of sarcasm against some of the articles. Sometimes it's hard to resist this. In the article, where required, are indicated by the initials R — Roman (I), and Anton (kriptomen).
In General, I hope that you enjoy!
the implementation of the algorithm for the calculation of Mersenne numbers in C++
The author invents the long arithmetic, and gives the example of a student laboratory on programming.
Unfortunately, it looks that way.
R: the author, do not allocate 10 megabytes on the stack a single array.
A: i nikogda ne pishi v transliton kode. NIKOGDA!
Euclidean Algorithm and its implementation in different languages

The author is rushing with the bat, offers to understand the algorithm for finding the lowest common divisor (GCD). A formalized description of the algorithm (very shit-kicking for my taste) and the implementation of the algorithm on different JAP.
It is not quite clear what he wanted to say to the author, the article can be replaced a maximum of three links:Алгоритм_Евклида — a detailed description of the Euclidean algorithmАлгоритм#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.B8.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.80 — write the algorithm in pseudocode for recursive optionПримеры_реализации_алгоритма_Евклида — implementation of the algorithm in different JAPANESE
The author could describe in more detail the application of the algorithm, examples of its actual use.
using the Nokia Xpress Web App Builder, for example HabraRSS
A: a Bit of necromancy — an overview web application for creating applications for phones based on S40 (Nokia in particular). In the article, you can learn how knowing the address of rss to create your application. In my opinion, about anything.
R: Quite a strange move by Nokia to launch a competition for such units. Give Africa cheap mobile phones!
GitUm — a tool to support work on the branch of the project git repository
Quite a decent article, in my view worthy of the invite. The author cites the example of GitUm, a tool that makes working with git repositories. Short and to the point.
Useful plugins for Smarty
A bit of code to Smarty bins of Motherland. Quite a classical problem — the conclusion of the announcement and the conclusion of correct word endings. The author admits that the code in 2009, but still decided to share it. No, well, suddenly.
Almost generated almost invayt on Habr
A: I think almost invite on Habr for the article provided. The author, a counterfeiter doesn't leave you, invite you to png the size 24х24рх
R: there have been several articles on how to generate images like an invite to habrahabr
Automatic build of Android projects in Ant
A guide for those who are not able to use Google.
Useful as an extended version of this guide.
Suggest to the author to describe the way “is not for the lazy”, or how to create a file build.xml through the console (terminal).
(A) Batch execution of SQL queries (JDBC)
Useful article about how you can execute SQL queries to the database as a “package” that is different from the transaction more productive in Java using JDBC.
Suggest to the author to arrange the code in a tag <source>, not <code>. The same author has compiled a grammatically incorrect title, I advise you to fix
The article is brief, reference, specific.
Rapoo h9000 wireless headset

D: the Author makes a review of the headphones, the model listed in the title. Inserted specification and technical characteristics of the microphone (don't know why, probably to increase the amount of text). (well — decorated, ugly, without any formatting. You should pay attention to how to make out reviews experienced authors)
A: the Review did not released something special, the author's opinion is rather tight.
Basically, if you work on the design of the article (headings, text selection), and then we can publish. But too dry, I think. I would like to mention the spelling errors of “Chinese artwork”. Such mistakes highlights even the browser, I think the review is unacceptable (I hope we have no such errors).
Types of batteries for mobile equipment

R: an Exciting note, after which ask the question: “is that all? All that science can do, walking with giant steps?”.
Of course, a bit dry, but the first article is good.
The author would like to ask to fix the “memory effect” “memory effect” in several places, and other minor errors (“lead burning battery” — “lead to the combustion of battery“).
A: because the article is a compilation of information from other sources — it would be good to refer to the sources.
Game Boy Pocket: a brief overview + inners
Call to talk about the days gone by and read about a Game Boy Pocket and see the distinction. I about such in childhood and did not dream for example, I did not know even about it, but even though it is not a good old Dendy, but the smile is (the first photo captured of your favorite Mario and Castlevania running on the machines)

and see the review quite interesting.
Interesting fact that the survey involved 2 spacecraft: one Japanese, the second Chinese Assembly machines in appearance and build quality/materials are absolutely identical, and the devices themselves, despite the age — 17 years, well preserved.
electronics DIY
some thoughts about smt pick and place homemade
The article is more like:
1) the flow of thoughts of electronics
2) very great post for the Q&A
The article is replete with acronyms, technical terms. The article raises a problem never solves it and only creates questions. I would recommend the author with his problem to go to a dedicated electronics forum, not to start the article with the words “Welcome community! Need the first post, "applying for an invite", so it will be about how crowded my head. ”
SDR-receiver from scratch

Another article on electronics. I read an article in one breath. Very intriguing, I would give the invite only to read the sequel.
Written in clear language, abbreviations are deciphered, the scheme is applied. In the article the author briefly describes what the SDR system, as, theoretically, it can be built, who uses it and for how long. The same author promises a series of articles on SDR systems.
1) fix “nhflbwbjyysvb” to “traditional”;
2) the article only one subtitle, so it can be combined with text highlighting in bold.
Another home server
Gathered home server — write on Habr! The author apparently doubted 2.5 years — needless to follow this rule, but in the end decided. Seriously — I like such articles, and for a long time I want to collect and set up on the rack services, but then the Author took the trouble to write the name of flash cards on which he moved the system, but for some reason decided to conceal the name of the motherboard, but only put a picture of it. Not the final configuration or some interesting software solutions. Not even a photograph of a cat on the server.
the Topic was written in the workplace, to post photos does not work.
Well, no, 2.5 years of waiting, and then urgently at work article I had to write! :)
Talk of life
RERE: is time travel
“And let's see!” (voice long)
Pretty harsh article in defense of the author of a recent article from the sandbox “is it Possible to travel in time” (the author of the article was removed).
one hour?
Article is a response to the recent post — “two weeks?!” and commentary. The author shows his vision of the situation of implementation is not clearly described TK from the customer, little versed in web (in particular) technology (“sow death”):
The customer wants to improve its website, adding some of the functionality, he knows what needs to happen in the end, but doesn't know how to describe it in TS, knows the pitfalls of development.
On the other hand — by seeing simple at first glance, TK is taken to fulfill it “in an hour” and makes a clumsily-written.
Read — “who is guilty” and “what to do”. Drama, ladies and gentlemen :)
Technological singularity is not scary

God, what did I just read? Looks like a pseudo-scientific fantasy on the theme... about what? It is not clear. Whether I'm tired today, whether the author is a professional copywriter who earns what is the texts of scientific terms. And he is either convincing, or so-so.
Introduction to classified – history, money, future
A small excursion into classifide (methods of submission of custom declarations in classes, systematically). I hope the author doesn't steal it from anywhere else and not copied from another resource because...
In General, for me personally, the article seemed boring. It is unclear whether the author proposes to leave everything start hand in classifide, or says that the market already had a drink, so be aware that there are such things.
a few words about the principles of design
The author does not lie, and indeed expressed a few words about the design principles. Would be, perhaps, more. Less water, more principles. The author has come principles!
Not much yet, and not drawn to the full article.
a Bad article
flash card and the fight with curiosity
The article is not an article. After reading I want to say: “Thank you, captain obvious”. And Yes, kep, why do you drive? I think most of the problems you could avoid using DropBox.
What would you like to change in Outlook Contacts and other mass products. Or is it not necessary?
Oh, my God, Microsoft, please help! This cry of the soul cannot be left unnoticed. Why is he not in Outlook to record the car number?! What the...?!
Pentest is it easy?
Though the article and I will not hide anything, there is something to ponder. How often are products tested on similar problems? Especially enterprise solutions. And how often products are thinking “well, okay, it works, then all right.”
quote: Pentest — simulate real attackers ( crackers, hackers, etc.)
GMO, whether or not they will save the world from hunger?
And again, the article is the answer. At this time, based on the “Myths of our time: genetically modified organisms.If so devil?“. I would like to note that the original article was quite clearly argued, then it's more like stuffing with the goal to debate about the Evil Corporation.
No offense to everyone, but sometimes I think Habr from day to day will turn into a community of gardeners interested in space (I personally love this topic) and occasionally programming in Excel.
the Technique of the transition to positive thinking "51 shade of white"
What the hell? :) The article is clearly not to Habra, though, probably deserves 3 minutes of her reading.
Habr not for the esoteric.
the End
Here we have it turned out review. Maybe we missed a couple of articles (laziness or carelessness? somewhere in the middle). But in General, we tried to give an objective picture of the sandbox: the authors want to Habr, no matter in what ways.
Below is the list of articles in reverse chronological order.
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