Next App Star: the global competition of Windows Phone apps

14 Jan 2013 launched a global competition of Windows Phone apps — Next App Star. And it's available for Windows Phone developers worldwide. In order to participate in the contest, it is enough to be registered in the Dev Center a developer, go to special section in the period up to March 5 of this year and apply. All of Your apps published in the catalogue till March 5, will participate in the contest.
If You haven't developed an app or developed, but not published, You can register now and publish your app by March 5.
This short video Laura Foy (English) with the story of this contest.

the Principles of selection of the contest works

Applications submitted to the contest will be judged based on both user ratings and app quality, including the use of new features in Windows Phone 8 such as live tiles. The number of works put to the public vote narrowed to 64. Over the next weeks, the amount of work will be narrowed to 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and finally will determine the winner! Along the way, prizes will be awarded to encourage people to participate in the contest (details later). Will still be various opportunities to promote your apps and gain new users.

Great prizes

The prize Fund amounts to thousands of dollars for authors 64 apps will be selected, including a smartphone based on Windows Phone 8 — Nokia Lumia 920, the annual free subscription to Dev Center.
Application finalists will receive advertising time in Prime time on US television. As a result, the developer will be the center of attention of a large audience.

Windows Phone Next App Star is more than the competition. It is a way to reward the best developers and encourage the creation of a dynamic, exciting, high quality applications. Please take the time to visit the Dev Center and register for participation in the contest.

* The contest is open to students, hobbyists, individual developers, age 18+. The deadline for the applications is March 15, 2013 public voting Period ends on April 8, 2013 for more information, see Official rules.
Cm. also Anons in the Windows Phone Developer Blog.
Article based on information from


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