LIFT — coworking in the provinces: instructions for use

Hello! last article I talked about the Astrakhan IT-Park and development of IT-sphere in our city. Then I promised that my next post will be dedicated to the business incubator and coworking "LIFT". Well, I promised, so it is necessary to write, the more that the nose opening. The article had to use photos with girls, but it's not on purpose. Who wants to read about the experience of coworking, get to know about the problems and about what eventually came out, welcome under kat.

do You remember how it all began?

It all started a cold and rainy autumn of 2012. At that time I worked as a project Manager at a large IT-company and one year has passed since then, when I decided to cast her own web Studio and returned to "working for the man." I myself am the programmer and passed along the chain "programmer - > team lead - > project Manager - > Manager mid-level> your own business". In the company I was involved in projects for the development and implementation of the software and managed the development of new directions and products (I will continue to use to place and out of place hackneyed term "startup" because it's shorter).

Russian Startup Tour (April 2013)

As in any other company engaged in the development, personnel lacked. Moreover, both developers and those who would to lead them, and with really cool ideas was slow. Of course, like any other serious company we produce frames, but this process is not quick and time-consuming shots in the end still not enough. To fill this gap it was decided to go the way of the corporations and begin to engage in other people's startups, or integrating them into the group of companies, or drawing out the good shots, or investing in them for the purpose of entering into a share (Yes, now I have uncovered a terrible secret altruistic companies).

Decided to start with the startup competition "Startup Search", which was held in October 2012. The competition was very important in terms of what, to my surprise, there were projects and teams that I never heard, but, on the other hand, good projects turned out to be extremely small. The main reason for this is the lack of a sane ecosystem in our city (and not just in our, it's a problem any city of Espoo). No professional associations, no parties, conferences and obrazovalos is not sensible, good employers on the fingers of the hand can be counted. Of course, news it did not, and for a long time in my head, including cockroaches, fighting the storm wind, the idea of creating a professional community and the site where it could live and grow.

There was a project, later named "LIFT", is a business incubator and coworking space that will become the pillar of hope IT in Astrakhan, and later will be scaled to other regions. And after talking with David weekly (David Weekly) and Tim SIAs (Tim Sears) from Hacker Dojo (about it already recently wrote here), their positive experiences and work coverage (it here), it became clear how all this should look and work. As in any other project there are regional characteristics, which prompted me to write this post.

first thing's First

Like any other project, business incubator began with the development of the concept and business model. All this resulted in several hypotheses that we rushed to check.


We started, naturally, with, whether coworking in Astrakhan and whether projects for the incubator. We have made an approximate portrait of the visitor co-working and began to look for these people. People found, but in co-working to go they don't particularly like: the format was new, benefits from a special they transfer their "office" from the apartment or a cafe, we have not seen.

the Toilet need your clothes and a motorcycle.

In General, customers who would have paid for the site and used it, it was very tight. Since the project is commercial and without public investment, it was a bit sad. No startups and community, because there is no ecosystem, and the ecosystem is no, because there was no startups and community. A vicious circle that had to break. It had to swim against the tide and bear the additional costs, but from the idea to give is not wanted. If not us, then who?

Here it was easier, because the project has been started in Astrakhan IT-Park and LIFT perfectly fit his ideology. So managed to get a space of 350 sqm on the ground floor, earlier this place was a furniture store, leaving a large square area, with fairly high ceilings, which with minimal investment it was possible to turn into what you wanted.
Quickly prepared a plan for the future premises of the: working zone, meeting room, meeting rooms, kitchens, toilets, recreation areas.

the Hammock and barabashka in the area. There really need to sleep sometimes.

In the working area, fits 37 fixed seats approximately 180 sq. m. the Capacity of the conference room – about 60 people from the work area it needs to be separated by a screen, so you can carry out activities during working hours. On the basis that there will be events under 150 people, it was decided to make 3 of the toilet (while partying nerds that are with beer, toilets are very popular).

A relaxation area with a sofa, hammock and barabashka. Plans to put some console, but until the money is do not want to spend (still waiting, maybe someone will give or bring your own), and additional noise will hinder to work.

Room, conduct important negotiations.

In the war room can fit up to 12 people, it is popular, despite the problem with the echo that you already know how to solve, but while looking for rugs with deer.

The kitchen can simultaneously feed 20 people. Almost every zone is equipped with devices to record thoughts that may suddenly come to mind: from the plastic panels in the kitchen, used as markers, to a black wall under the chalk in the conference room.

conference room with the wall under the chalk.

Of course, throughout Wi-Fi, all as: Internet bandwidth 20 Mbps redundancy, class N, roaming and everything. Maximum withstand simultaneous connection 140 users. The columns in the center of the room is wired Internet access for the desktop.

Then began the long process of design that took a lot of time and effort, the result was rejected several options during the design change of the designer, etc. the Final version was good, but my advice is to not pay so much attention to appearance. Focus on convenience and ergonomics, the beauty later. If we saw Hacker Dojo (not the one now, and one that was a) not in February, and earlier, the design problem we could solve with less. Now I understand that redecorating could score, create the atmosphere of the little things and the people who design not included.


If I re-engineered space, that now would not do a dedicated meeting room, because most of the time it is idle.


Perhaps, we come to the most interesting places. It is too early to talk about revenues, because the site just launched. Now it generates about 200 000 roubles of expenses on a monthly basis, without regard to the RFP, as employees no.

work area, and motivating posters.

Pricing policy we have is this: 3000 rubles a month for a floating workstation, 5000 rubles – for the fixed. Plus there are hourly rates, you can relieve peregovory or meeting room. It is easy to calculate that even at 100% load the co-working permanent residents cannot pay even the fixed costs, not to mention hired employees and revenues.

What should I do? We found the answer in educational programs and conducting for major events. According to my calculations, it should bring as much income as coworking. Now steadily once a week there are themed events, mostly in weekends, so this hypothesis is likely to be confirmed.

The third source of income – sponsorship and partnership. Everything is obvious, as long as such practices do not have. Already have partners, however, their support is not monetary, but all of a sudden. To exclude it, if anyone already have this experience – say.
All the above belonged to the co-working space. As for the business incubator, it's difficult. Virtually all projects that come to us, is not solvent, and are looking for money, so long as we are not earn money. We take token money for our services, somewhere credit before receiving project money, somewhere in with an eye to the fact that our investments will return cash.


Now the promotion is targeted through three channels: word of mouth, activities at the site, self-promotion in social networks. Conduct various events – the most efficient tool because it automatically brings the right media, tightens the audience from social networks and launches word of mouth.

One of the traditional games stores this weekend.

It is important to have on the site is not only themed events. For example, almost every week we have on the site are games, intellectual games club "What? Where? When?" it was the experience of charity events. In the end, if that is a "LIFT" before, no one knew, now the target audience is, we need information noise, which leads us to exactly what we're looking for.

What we have now and what is achieved?

Oddly enough, the official launch of the we have only 14 Jun (if you have time to read before the opening, we invite in 16:00!). At the moment we have a coworking works every day about a dozen people in the incubator 4 is a young startup (now a selection procedure are 3), a week consistently runs 3-4 events. After opening they go into an active phase of work and planning by the end of July to completely hammer coworking, to increase the number of incubated projects to 10, to launch some educational programs. 5-7 July are holding a hackathon on July 29 launched school for startups, at the end of July – regular four-week school for programmers and miniscule on programming on specific themes.

We have already passed the Express school for young programmers YUFO "IT-Start", regional stage of the "Microsoft Imagine Cup" road show institutes of development of "Russian Startup Tour" (by the way, our resident "Bravo Motors" became the winner of "Startup Village" with the project "e-Trike") and many more.

a Piece of food. Almost all furniture is from IKEA.

The number of partners that can help friends reached fifty, recently became partners of Microsoft (BizSpark program and educational programs), familiar with almost all the major venture capital funds operating in Russia, and our network of experts – specialists from around the world ranging from Kazakhstan and ending with the Valley. Now actively working on educational and accelerationtime programs and are looking for mentors for projects in the incubator, so if you can help – welcome.

And then even the huge amount of work. This year we plan to run at the rapid prototyping laboratory "FabLab" (last year failed, and for "zhelezyachnye" projects that we love, such a thing is necessary) to create a few success stories of the projects our residents, to train hundreds of programmers, to create fifty startups and for them to attract tens of millions.

PS I Hope that was interesting. As always, ready to answer questions in the comments, it will be interesting to return. The next article I will write when everything is working at full strength, maybe talk about the projects. What would you hear?

P. P. S. the article features pictures of the project "AstFutur", Ivan Rotanova of the Novel Shane and other visitors to our site, for what to them many thanks.
Article based on information from


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