II international conference "HRPR Camp": automation in enterprise management, HR and PR (Minsk, 8 April, 2016)


Invite spring in Minsk II international conference on automation and it services for company management, people and Finance.

8 APR 2016 will be held in Minsk, the Second international conference-exhibition "HRPR Camp".

Largest it companies and new startups will present solutions to automate the management of enterprises, systems and services for sales management, logistics, Finance and personnel. Conference participants will learn not only the innovations of it solutions for management companies, but also will participate in educational workshops and test drives, world-renowned systems and new developments.
Speakers ' presentations will be devoted to the experience of change management, brand companies, the difficulties of introducing innovation and out of the crisis.

So the conference was held "HRPR Camp" in 2015.

The problem field of the conference
– Automation in enterprise management.
It – innovations and mobile services for sales management, Finance, logistics and personnel.
The creation of a corporate training centers.
– Manage internal and external HR-brand.
Design of office and working space for the adaptation and education of employees.
– External and internal corporate communications.

A distinctive feature of the conference: presentations and master classes at the stands of companies will be represented only completed projects of the participating companies. The conference presentations are not allowed business consultants no description of a case personally of embedded projects.
Last year was denied performances by more than 40 "touring" consultants, as they are unable to provide any personally implemented project.

Expected number of participants of the conference "HRPR Camp" – 600 people.

For participation are invited:
– the owners and managers of businesses, product-manager, project-manager,
– commercial Director, HR Director, logistics Director, Finance Director.
– the suppliers of it solutions in the field of enterprise management.

On the exhibition stands "HRPR Camp" in 2015, was submitted to it solutions for the automation of personnel management: "HRP.by", "SAP", "IBA", "Yaware", "Psychic Center", "Emply", "How R U?", "Collaborator", "Resource", "Staff. Salary. Frames", "L2G", "Kraft".

Managerial know-how has presented more than 40 companies, among which are: "Make IT", "Studio Sorokin and Kulinkovich", "PRCI", "Streamline", "Global Child", "BEVIER partners", the "Corporation M8", "DEV.by", "recruitment Agency Square", "Eventspace", "Training portal Aspect", "EQstra", "SalesBattle", "Alpha Personnel", "HRPR.by", "HRD.by", "Nasha Marka", "Square", "Stroyinvestlizing", "Talant.by Center of mediation and negotiation".

Venue of the conference in 2016: exhibition halls of the "Palace of art" (the center of Minsk, Kozlova str., 3).

The conference is organized in a BarCamp format, which means the format of the conference-exhibition: parallel presentations at the stands of companies, training workshops on use of it services and performance on stage.

The cost of spectator ticket: 50 USD.
Participation with a stand the product/ company, performing and conducting master classes is negotiated with the organizers.

To apply for participation in the conference, you must fill out registration form.

Official conference website – hrprcamp.com
Inquiries by phone: +375 29 706 35 79

Useful links:
Page news conferences and presentations HRPR Camp 2015
Hatchet about the conference "HRPR Camp-2015"

The organizer of the conference: OOO "Studio Sorokin and Kulinkovich".

The General partner of the conference: a system of automated recruiting HRP.by.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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