How to prepare for certification for Zend Framework?
When people ask me how to prepare for certification in Zend Framework(ZF), I usually say the following:
- You must already have real experience with ZF, or at least with some of its components. This will give you an idea of the work freeware in General, and you will be able to explore those parts freeware with whom you haven't met yet.(For those of you who have not yet started to work with ZF, read quick start, or it may be worth to go on Kursi?) the
- Download leadership certification. This is a small review, so you should not expect from him a full explanation of all aspects of ZF, after Reading it, you can get an idea of the topics and questions that will be on the exam, and therefore can be viewed documentation on your questions. The operation of each component considered in "the programmer's Reference for Zend Framework". Reference — very handy, makes it easy to find the documentation for the component(such as Zend_Acl, Zend_Auth, and Zend_form) and in addition it contains a description of the ZF standard coding and performance recommendations ZF. the
- If I don't understand something, I often look in the source code of the Zend Framework. In some cases, reading the source code view of the component it is possible to get faster than documentation, in addition you will understand how the developers ZF organize your code and get a better idea about how to use the ZF architecture in your projects.
In addition, Zend provides training on the program , so if you're used to learning in a more formal methodology, it may help you. In my case, I began to understand how to work with unfamiliar ingredients, have deepened their knowledge of familiar ones, and I became more confident garazo to use ZF components.
Good luck to everyone.
the P. S. This article is period,
the author successfully passed the exam in ZF(ProLink)
translated as a response to article Zend Framework Certification
Because in my opinion the article not only describes how to take the exam, but displayed the right attitude towards certification.
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