Hidden money in freelancing

most novice freelancers after completing the project successfully having received the payment noting the case, then loses a lot of money. Externally-to do the right thing: continue to see projects to apply. To work with new customers. The thing is, the money is there... but their could be more with less effort.

If you don't know about this "hidden" source, then other players will inevitably get around to you. And you'll wonder how it is they so often go on vacation, while you work on the same exchange? ("Hidden" in quotes because actually it's simple, and it is one of the pitfalls. People often ignore what is on the surface, and not use these opportunities, even if they know about them.)

What's the source?

I'm talking about repeat orders from old customers. Because to get an order from someone who have already worked before is much easier than from someone unknown. Even from the point of view of psychology, if we do something somewhere bought or ordered any services and we were like, we are more likely to then go to the same place and order the same. Because there, we liked, we know that there will do good, and about other places — don't know. It may be that in another place is good too, maybe even better, but do not want to check it out, and I want to go and to use proven and guaranteed option. Customers are people and they have the same psychology.


From time to time remind the customer about themselves. Remind them that you exist, and ask if they have any orders. Thus you will keep this contact up to date. Not to lose it, and to do so, the customer kept in mind, what you are, and if he has some work so he immediately turned to you.

For this you need to lead your customer base. Everyone you somehow worked to record or in your notebook, or to have a table in Google Docs, or to Evernote to have a notebook. Record contacts, phone numbers, briefly name and for what reason you cooperated. Thus, you will be very easy to remind myself, just taking the list of contacts, then these people ring, write email.

When and how?

You can remind yourself without any reason, you can make a schedule so that every 2-3 months the client base of the entire test, update, idle contacts to delete. Where a man can say what he already does (for the first time can put a note on the second time to exclude from its database). Somewhere about you people will remember, and if you call them regularly, they won't be able to forget about you.

In addition to reminders on the schedule you can still remind myself on occasion of the holidays. For example, congratulate a customer with a particular holiday (New year, the accounting firm of accountant). If you know the birthday of your customer, then congratulate yourself. Here you do not sell your services or looking for work, and just showed attention to the man.

Added bonus

It makes sense to make any special conditions for re-orders. And this is reported when you finalized the order. Report: "if you do some such work is, or work from the field _____ (and list the areas in which you specializiruetsya), for you personally will be a discount or a bonus."

Think about what special. the conditions you can offer to their customers. Whether it's a discount or some additional condition which is not difficult to do, but for a man it will be nice. For example, the site and contextual advertising. If you are an expert on configuring the context and can simple advertising company to do it for a couple of hours, or do you have some things automated (an invitation to the group Vkontakte, for example), you can bonus to provide these services to the person who you have orders. Think that you can do for your customers and offer them as a bonus if they turn to you again.
If you have been helpful these tips, the more you can find in my the blog and the book.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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