Fairloris — comment always and everywhere

The main purpose of the project is to give the user a single tool to add comments to any available web page on the Internet. Doesn't matter if the page you want the functionality of the review, if they are accessible to the current user or not, he will still be able to leave your comment and read the comments of other users registered in the system Fairloris.


About the idea

Often, using one or another web service, reading some article or searching for product reviews, I thought about a centralized service, where you could read reviews or people's comments or leave your own. Of course sites with various reviews about anything on the Internet and so much, but they still need to find and then to find information about exactly what you're looking for. Much more easier would be to have the possibility of being directly on the product page, the services or the information that interest you click on a button and get a list of comments about it from here, as they say: “on the spot”.

The same applies to functionality, allowing you to leave a review. Don't want to go somewhere to another site, register there and then be able to leave a comment. I want to do it right here and now. Thus, once registered, I want to be able to leave a comment everywhere, no matter what kind of site.

All these thoughts led me to the idea of project Fairloris, though of course the idea of it, but implementation is quite another, and this will be discussed below.


there are currently

Try not to spread the idea and set out the main points:

    I had partner which in principle and has initiated the transition from idea to its implementation. In my area of responsibility is the technical part, namely the preparation MVPthe set of command and control over further development. In the area of responsibility of the partner primary funding and organizational issues. the

  1. Implemented MVPthat is:

    • the Extension for Google Chrome that allows you to add and view previously added comments to any web page on the Internet.
    • the
    • backend Server which accepts, stores and gives reviews.
    • the
    • HTTP API connects the backend and the extension.
  2. the Project is fully prepared for investment by ICO to the following schedule:


    • Pre ICO: 14:00 GMT 10 Oct 2017 14:00 GMT 24 Oct 2017.
    • the
    • ICO: 14:00 GMT 10 Nov 2017 14:00 GMT on 4 December 2017.

  3. international team of developers, QA, SMM specialists and managers who are waiting for the end of fundraising in order to get to work.


Future plans

If raising funds ICO succeeds, it will be immediately opened the company, registered trademark Fairloris and will be outfitting team, and in the beginning of 2018 will begin immediate work on the project which will be broken down into stages, about which more below.
April 2018

This month it is planned to complete the development of a scalable backend that will be able to store an increasing number of review and process requests to work with them. Just to this moment it is planned to complete the development of RESTful API to communicate with the new backend.

Technically, the backend will be implemented using: GoLang, PostgreSQL, Cluster, Redis, RabbitMQ and a Load Balancer.

July 2018

This month it is planned to complete the development of fully functional extensions for browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Safari and Microsoft Edge.

July 2018

This month it is planned to complete the development of mobile applications for iOS and Android, which will be implemented the functionality of the mobile browser with the addition of system functionality Fairloris. As a base plan to use the finished engine mobile browser open source.

August 2018

This month it is planned to complete the development of its own CDN system for the storage and distribution of images that users can attach to their comments.

November 2018

This month it is planned to launch a PR campaign in the Internet and beyond, namely TV, radio and in the relevant paper publications.

December 2018

This month it is planned to complete the development of the ad network that provides ads based on: the context of the comment pages, user settings, preferences and interests.

Also this month, the planned completion of a Desktop browser based on Google Chromium with built-in functionality Fairloris, cryptocurrency wallet project (FLR) with built-in hashing algorithm (PoS) with reference to the time of using the browser in online mode, the possibility of customization of appearance and platform to extend the functionality Fairloris network users. Read more about cryptocurrency project on.


the Use of cryptocurrency in the project

In any system where the amount of content has exceeded a certain border, the task of moderation becomes a very non-trivial and often practically impossible. Users of various social networks and other systems with a lot of custom content initially poorly motivated to generate high quality content that is useful to other users. The main incentive for them is the only approval or disapproval of the members of the community, which in most cases is reflected in the assessment of their content in the form of votes.

Our project for the solution of this problem involves the use of its own cryptocurrency, which will motivate content creators to improve its quality, and the rest of the users to a more thoughtful evaluation and even self-moderation.

In more detail, the project includes the following applications of cryptocurrency:

  1. Calculation of cryptocurrency, the contributors will be rewarded for every positive voice of other users.
  2. the
  3. write-off of cryptocurrency, the authors of the review will be punished for every negative voice other users.
  4. the
  5. based On the voting comments from their authors to form a rating, the size of which users will either be rewarded or punished on a daily or monthly basis.
  6. the
  7. Each user of the project will be the initial moderator and to moderate comments to any web page to which it has access. They are all moderated comments will be approved at higher levels and in case of confirmation, the initial moderator will be rewarded with cryptocurrency project.

The more users in the project and the more they do, the bigger the cryptocurrency of the project they will receive, therefore the greater the number of wallets cryptocurrency will be installed on the user computers and the more stable and popular will be the cryptocurrency of the project.
That's all from me, thank you all for your interest.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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