Convenience or paranoia-what is more important? The story of one app

Good day dear harcane.
I want to share with you a little story of a single application.
Just wanted to warn you that there are no codes, nothing associated with them, only their own experience of productive paranoia and history of the same application.

where everything began

The first year I regularly fed financial freelance. Many of you are probably familiar with the situation when comes the time of vacations, and on a freelance appears a crisis situation with a number of projects, and you have to sweat to snatch a project.
And of course at such times the work is Murphy's law. For example, you went to the store, and at this moment has published a draft just on your profile, and while you walk, the project is already gone. Certainly not the one I would be upset at such moments.

looking for a way out

About a year ago I became the proud owner of Android device. And how can I be surprised when in the Google Market have not found applications for monitoring freelance exchanges.

Easy retreat

I would like to warn you, I as the freelance exchange is mostly used


And now since the acquisition of Android device I have not left the idea to write an app for this platform for monitoring The idea of the idea, but the arms are never reached.

HELLO again

Came the "Wonderful" holiday season. Orders in my profile at the exchange was much less, I had some free time, and the idea did from the head is not up.
I decided to take up learning the basics of programming under Android.
A couple of weeks of Smoking literature in this area the application is still beginning to be written. And in the end I was so engrossed in his writing that for a couple of weeks even abandoned the work on freelance.

and again DISCLAIMER

I would say, the application was originally developed only for themselves, and only on the eve of publication of application I saw article and decided to tie a few banners to your application.

And now, after 3 weeks finally I was ready the first prototype of the application. Immediately there was a desire to test him in battle. Installed the app to their device, and three friends to drive it on different devices.
What was my surprise that the fragmentation of the UI on different devices, with different screen resolution and different platform versions is virtually nonexistent. With the heat I was thinking "worst-first" is not about this application.

Then one of the friends who drove and enjoyed the app itself, suddenly asked me cancer question:
— Aren't you afraid the user to enter their username/password into someone else's app?

Then I shrugged off this issue, arguing that I have an account with a certain rating, and the detection of illegal actions on my account go nuts.

what is the application you need to enter your username/password?

Before writing the application I've been thinking how to approach obtaining information about the projects and messages.
To parse the website itself was very resource-intensive task, because if the program is to implement a filter, each filter would need to load the page or the rss feed and parse it. Well, it is very costly for network and glands.

Then I remembered about the official desktop app FreeTray and decided to see where and in what format the data arises, because there is also a filter. Put a sniffer and it passed through all of the traffic programme.
Lo and behold, I discovered that the app uses some internal XML API freelancers. Appeal to the administration with a request to provide at least some information on this API did not return any results.

What ultimately can the app?

At present, the application is able to:

-Upload projects for a given filter and when filter is disabled
-Upload contacts with freelancing with your account
-Download all messages, and new
-To inform you about new projects and messages

In General, I tried to implement the functionality of desktop applications FreeTray.

What was the reaction of the freelancers on this APPLICATION?

As I wrote above, the app I posted on and wrote about it in the blog on freelancing.

In the PM, I got a lot of admiration, which was combined as one with common paranoia. Almost all who wrote me in the PM spoke of his fear to enter the username/password into another program. Because of the same paranoia that I have obscured the idea I the source code is not posted, but recommend to people that using a sniffer, they can see what data and where to go, or for monitoring of freelancing on the road, they can access left account, and easy to monitor without fear that they would lead the data.


The app I posted on July 9, and have downloaded it a total of 8 people probably is the reason for it all as paranoia. But I'm not counting on boom racing, as did the application for your convenience.

Hebraist advised me to contact the freelancer to get a resolution on the application. I did so, sent them the source code and apk ready, but in response received the following:

Nikita, unfortunately, we will test your product and write on it reviews. Everyone who uses the program - use it at your own risk. In turn, I want to warn you that if the program is to create load on the site - we will be forced to block it. Sincerely, Michael little flowers
Head of administrative Department

More I did not expect, and especially not persisted, as did for themselves, and who should he overcome his fear.

what's this topic on HABRÉ?

And the fact that affect the magnitude of fear of people due to which they neglect the user experience.

The moral of the story is: if you suddenly plan to create a budget app for a third-party service think about trust is this application potential customers and users?!

PS I would Like to hear the opinion habroloma about that kind of paranoia. Maybe someone had experience of overcoming this obstacle?!
Article based on information from


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