Failover cluster with Master-Slave on PostgreSQL

Welcome, hebraically!
In this article I want to share the experience of deploying the cluster Master-slave on PostgreSQL. Fault tolerance is achieved by using pgpool-II (failover, online recovery).
pgpool is a great tool for scaling and load balancing between servers and I think few know about the possibilities of automatic creation of failover on the slave server when the master and how to add new capacity to an already running cluster without shutting the entire cluster.

Schema cluster and machine requirements

The figure shows a typical diagram of the cluster Master-slave.
The cluster should contain 1 master server (Master), at least 1 slave (Slave), 1 unit of scaling (Balancer).
When each server needs to be installed Linux distribution (I have put Red Hat 6.1) on the site scale have installed the gcc compiler.
PostgreSQL — 9.0.1, pgpool-II 3.0.5. You can use other versions of the DBMS and pgpool. In this case, refer to the documentation.

set up a dial-up connection between servers of a cluster

Online recovery and failover require that you configure a remote connection via SSH Protocol without a password. You need to create SSH keys for user postgres and send the user postgres to each of the servers.
Important! For online recovery you need to when you open a remote session to go to another remote session (i.e. it was possible to implement the following transition mechanism via SSH without password: host scalability — master server — slave server and node scaling — slave server — the master server).
For failover, you must create SSH key for user root on node scaling and to forward the user postgres master and slave servers.
This step is important when configuring, so make sure you can connect from a remote session from one server to another.

setup streaming replication

You need to pre-open the reception/transmission of data on port 5432 (the standard PostgreSQL port) in iptables.
Edit the configuration file $PGDATA/postgresql.conf master server as follows:
listen_addresses = '*'
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 2
wal_keep_segments = 32
#hot_standby = on

I note the importance of the last line. The fact that it will be used in the restore script slave node, so it is necessary to change the way it is written above.
Then add lines for replication in the $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf:
host replication postgres trust
host replication postgres trust

postgres is the database administrator who will carry out replication and other admin tricks. Using these lines we were allowed to replicate as the slave and the master server.
Then overload the master server:
# service postgresql restart

Stop the slave server (if run previously):
# service postgresql stop

Now you can start replication.
On host server, user postgres creates a backup of the database sent to the slave server:
$ psql -c "SELECT pg_start_backup('stream');"
$ rsync -a /var/lib/pgsql/data/ --exclude
$ psql -c "SELECT pg_stop_backup();"

Then on the slave create a config replication $PGDATA/recovery.conf:
standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host= port=5432 user=postgres'
trigger_file = 'failover'

The parameter trigger_file is responsible for the way in which PostgreSQL searches for the file to switch to master mode. In this case, PostgreSQL looks for a file at $PGDATA/failover.
Next you need to enable the "hot spare" on the slave server:
$ sed -i 's/#hot_standby = on/hot_standby = on/' /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

Then you need to start the slave server:
# service postgresql start

The replication activity can be checked in the following way:
$ ps aux | grep sender

It should output something like this:
2561 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 0/2031D28

Similarly, on the slave server:
$ ps aux | grep receiver

It will give you the following:
1524 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: wal reciever process streaming 0/2031D28

General site setup-zoom

Change the configuration file /etc/pgpool-II/pgpool.conf:
# Set the full range of listening addresses
listen_addresses = '*' 
# The connection settings to the database on the slave server
backend_hostname0 = '' 
backend_port0 = 5432 
backend_weight0 = 1 
backend_data_directory0 = '/var/lib/pgsql/data' 

# The connection settings to the database on the master server
backend_hostname1 = '' 
backend_port1 = 5432 
backend_weight1 = 1
backend_data_directory1 = '/var/lib/pgsql/data' 

# Use pool_hba.conf to authenticate clients
enable_pool_hba = true 

Next, in /etc/pgpool-II/pool_hba.conf add the information about the client log:
host all all trust 
host all all trust
host all all trust

Reload pgpool:
# service pgpool restart

configuring automatic failover

The mechanism of creation of automatic failover the following:
  1. For workers (master and slave) the server runs the procedure pgpool-walrecrunning() that defines which server is the master, which slave.
  2. the
  3. pgpool remotely connect to production servers and checks the activity of processes of a DBMS. If not, pgpool executes the script, which creates a failover on the slave node in case of failure of the master server.
  4. the
  5. and then disconnects from pgpool node is crashed and restarts, all client applications connected to it.

And now the setup:
On a node scale changing pgpool's config /etc/pgpool-II/pgpool.conf:
# the Script that is invoked when the server crash 
failover_command = '/etc/pgpool-II/ %d %H /var/lib/pgsql/data/failover'
# User checking on the status of the server
health_check_user = 'postgres' 

# Put the active mode, master / slave
master_slave_mode = true 
# We have configured streaming replication, set the mode to 'streaming' 
master_slave_sub_mode = 'stream' 

# Don't allow pgpool to send a copy of the request on nodes in the cluster, we have this will happen automatically through replication
replication_mode = false 
# Include balancing servers so that the requests can be evenly distributed between servers
load_balance_mode = true 

Tell a bit more about parameter failover_command. The script specified in the string are passed the parameters %d — the ID of the crashed node (as backend_hostname in pgpool.conf) %H — IP of the new master server.
The script itself
#! /bin/bash

# ID fallen host
# The IP of the new master
# The path to the trigger file

if [ $FAILED_NODE = 1 ]; 
echo "Slave server has failed"
exit 1

echo "master server failed"
echo "New master server: $NEW_MASTER"

ssh -T postgres@$NEW_MASTER touch $TRIGGER_FILE
exit 0

This script should be created in the pgpool directory /etc/pgpool-II/ and to grant rights 755.
Now we need to compile the pgpool procedure. In the src package pgpool in sql/pgpool-walrecrunning contains the source code for the needed procedure. To compile you need the header files of PostgreSQL, then you can use the command make to and SQL query download this procedure pgpool-walrecrunning.sql.
The procedure you need to copy to a directory on each production server /usr/lib64/pgsql/ that called the $libdir. sql file in /usr/share/pgsql/.
Downloadable database on the master server:
psql -f /usr/share/pgsql/pgpool-walrecrunning.sql -d postgres

The uploading of this procedure on the slave server is not necessary: it will be available through the previously tuned replication.

The status of the servers can be identified using query
SHOW pool_nodes;
pre-going client psql on the node scaling.
Example request:
 hostname | port | status | lb_weight
----------------------------------------------------- | 5432 | 2 | 0.500000 | 5432 | 2 | 0.500000
(2 rows)

Server status 2 means that the server is active and available for queries. In the case of single server failure, the status changes to 3.

To test the automatic failover as follows:
  1. Disable master server
  2. the
  3. Run query SHOW pool_nodes; node scaling
  4. the
  5. to Watch the logs for pgpool on the subject of script execution
  6. the
  7. to Ensure that a slave server after the script execution can accept write requests

Online recovery

Probably, this mechanism is the most complex in terms of debugging, but it is a powerful tool for database administration. The operation of this mechanism is as follows: there is a working cluster that we want to include previously crashed slave server, but the data stored on it, does not match the data in the cluster. This mechanism allows us to add real-time another slave server without stopping the cluster and to undertake any additional steps during configuration.
Online recovery works in the following way:
  1. node scaling starts the recovery procedure of the slave server
  2. This procedure on the master server runs a script that performs automatic replication between master and slave server the

  3. After successful replication, the database on the master server remotely starts up using standard PostgreSQL the utility PGCTL
  4. the
  5. pgpool restarts, detects the slave server and includes it in a cluster

Move to setting.
Add the following lines in /etc/pgpool-II/pgpool.conf:
# the User performing the restore
recovery_user = 'postgres' 
# This user's password
recovery_password = '123456' 
# Script to be run on the master script from the directory $PGDATA 
recovery_1st_stage_command = '' 

Add password hash postgres:
# pg_md5 123456 >> /etc/pgpool-II/pcp.conf

123456 is the password postgres in the clear. Additionally in front of the password hash, you need to specify the name of the user to whom this hash belongs to, i.e. the file should be the string postgres:enrypted_password.
On the master node to create the script follows:

# The path to the directory $PGDATA on the master server
# IP address of the slave server that is included in the cluster
# The path to the directory $PGDATA on the slave server

# Define the IP of the host server to enable the configuration recovery.conf
PRIMARY_IP=$(ifconfig eth0| sed -n '2 {s/^.*inet addr:\([0-9.]*\) .*/\1/;p}')
# Directory to store the configuration for the slave server

# On the master server, remove the old configs from the replication (if the master server was once a slave)
rm-f recovery.* failover 
# Check if the hot standby mode on the master server
cat postgresql.conf | grep '#hot_standby = on'

# If active, switch it off
if [ $? = 1 ] 
sed -i 's/hot_standby = on/#hot_standby = on/' postgresql.conf 
# Restart the master server
/usr/bin/pg_ctl restart-D $PGDIR 

#Remotely stop the slave server
ssh -T postgres@$SLAVE_IP "/usr/bin/pg_ctl stop-D $SLAVE_DATA"
# Create backup database on the master server
psql -c "SELECT pg_start_backup('Streaming Replication', true)" postgres
# Sent his wingman
rsync-a $PRIMARY_DATA/ $SLAVE_IP:$SLAVE_DATA/ --exclude --exclude postmaster.opts 

# Create a temporary directory configuration for the slave server
mkdir $TMP_DIR
# Copy postgresql config.conf and turn on hot_standby
cp $PRIMARY_DATA/postgresql.conf $TMP_DIR/
sed -i 's/#hot_standby = on/hot_standby = on/' postgresql.conf 

# Create config recovery.conf
echo "standby_mode = 'on'" > recovery.conf
echo "primary_conninfo = 'host=$PRIMARY_IP port=5432 user=postgres'" >> recovery.conf
echo "trigger_file = 'failover'" >> recovery.conf

# Delete the slave server with old config replication
ssh -T postgres@$SLAVE_IP rm-f $SLAVE_DATA/recovery.*
# Copy the new configs
scp postgresql.conf postgres@$SLAVE_IP:$SLAVE_DATA/postgresql.conf

#Complete the process of backup
psql -c "SELECT pg_stop_backup()" postgres

# Delete the temporary folder, conifgure
cd ..
rm -fr $TMP_DIR

I emphasize, this script should be in the directory $PGDATA. Script to set the permissions 755.
On slave and master server in the directory $PGDATA create the script pgpool_remote_start (under the same name.) with the following content:
#! /bin/bash

if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "not Enough arguments passed to the script"
exit 1


ssh -T $SLAVE_IP $PGCTL -w-D $SLAVE_DIR start 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null < /dev/null &

It will allow you to remotely run processes DBMS.
Next node scaling, you need to compile the stored procedure, located at sql/pgpool-recovery the src package pgpool. Likewise send it to production servers and to load the procedure into the database:
$ psql -f /usr/share/pgsql/pgpool-recovery.sql -d template1

Setup online recovery is finished.

To enable the new slave server in the cluster, you must perform the following actions:
  1. to Run the database on the new master node
  2. the
  3. node scaling to run the command to restore the server: pcp_recovery_node 20 9898 postgres 123456 1

Read more about pcp_recovery_node. This command implements the recovery servers of the cluster. 20 is the number of attempts to connect to the slave server, — IP of the node scaling, 9898 — the port of the pcp commands node scaling, postgres — the name of the user making the recovery, 123456 is the password 1 — ID of the restored node.
This completed the setup online recovery.

You can test these two mechanisms as follows:
  1. to Create a test database on the master server. Make sure it is replicated on the slave
  2. the
  3. to Simulate a failure of the master server, disabling it
  4. the
  5. make Sure that the load failover and slave server become new master
  6. the
  7. to Make changes to the database on the slave server
  8. the
  9. to Run fallen leading server and make it a slave, after online recovery

Thus, the above-described mechanisms allow to protect the cluster "master-slave" and simplify the job of database administrator in its recovery.

PS I Hope this post helped someone. Comments and additions are welcome! Thank you for your attention.
Article based on information from


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